Questions tagged [c]

The C programming language, commonly used for low-level programming

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Is it safe to call mount(2) and pass the password as a parameter?

I wanted to write a daemon that users can start, and that, every 2 hours, automatically mounts an authenticated network share. The daemon will prompt the user for the password only the first time, and ...
Johannes's user avatar
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Constructing a tainted string for arc injection

I'm new to security and currently referring to Robert Seacord's Secure Coding in C and C++. In chapter 2 of the same, the author talks about arc injection, wherein he passes the flow of control in ...
Tarun Verma's user avatar
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Best option to fuzz a C Network Program [closed]

I have a client/server simple program in C. I want to test the server running on different machine with random inputs. I have looked at 'Bunny-the-fuzzer' but from what I can understand It wont be ...
David Deej's user avatar
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system("/bin/sh") exits without waiting for user input [OverTheWire narnia0 challenge] [closed]

Problem : Why does system("/bin/sh") process exits immediately instead of waiting for user input? Code : int main(){ long val=0x41414141; char buf[20]; printf("Correct val's value from ...
Rakesh Mane's user avatar
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Why does Kaspersky anti-virus not consider this executable as malicious?

I was trying to learn file I/O and related function in C, and thus tried to create a baby-version of a virus. Following is the exact code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(...
FakeMod's user avatar
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What's the secure way to change UNIX permissions on a harcoded file often?

I'm writing a daemon that monitors something in the OS and flips execution permissions on a file in /run/ back and forth. The file has static contents and the file name is hardcoded in the daemon. I ...
Shnatsel's user avatar
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Top 10 dangerous mistakes in C programming? [closed]

What is the top dangerous mistakes in C programming? for example misusing a strcpy causes a stack-overflow and code injection. I'm looking for at least 10 bad programming pattern in C.
NewMrd's user avatar
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2 answers

C - Simple Buffer Overflow Exploitation, how is the EIP overwritten in different type calling functions?

General Background: I have written an echo server trying to implement an example of BoF in C that utilizes a strcpy() function call like such: // .... including the corresponding libraries depending ...
0x5929's user avatar
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3 answers

How to perform buffer overflow on non-argument parameters?

I am new to buffer overflow attacks and I am trying to do the same on a sample c code which I have. I have three variables a, b and buffer. a and b have values assigned to them in the code itself. ...
hax's user avatar
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Is an open TCP port that doesn’t take input secure?

I have written a simple C program (~30 lines) that opens an internet socket and sends data to the client on every connection. The program never read()s from the socket; it just parses the /proc ...
tjcaul's user avatar
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How and why is executable stack dangerous?

I'm currently using nested functions (which is extensions to C in GCC), however that is not supported (and is not planned to be supported) in clang. Mostly on the grounds that executable stack is ...
graywolf's user avatar
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Problem while implementing an ARP poisoning software

I'm studying ARP poisoning and I've coded a computer program to poison other computer's ARP cache using raw sockets in C language. What I've done was: send an ARP reply to the target, always using ...
Marveringius's user avatar
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How can I execute shell in this CTF exercise?

I am playing a CTF wargame and unfortunatley got stuck at this level, so I want to "crowdsource" it. No need for complete answer, but hints would be enough. How can I: Make strcmp to be 0 (evaluate ...
dev's user avatar
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Unsafe C program accepting malicious string inputs

I have a question regarding to this unsafe C program. int main(int argc, char **argv) { char text[32]; static int some_value = -72; strcpy(text, argv[1]); /* copy the parameter into the ...
weejing's user avatar
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How do I make a working example of a "Dangling Pointers" exploit? (or where do I find it online)

I was recently reading about buffer overflows and dangling pointers. I read "Smashing the stack for fun and Profit " by Aleph1 and that paper was really clear and concise in explaination. On the ...
Pervy Sage's user avatar
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Which software scans software for potential vulnerabilities?

Is there any kind of parser software analysis tool that will analyze C code and outputs possible vulnerabilities like buffer overflows?
curious's user avatar
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Private IPC between two processes

I am writing a C program in which I have a client on a process and a server on another process on the same machine. I don't know much about IPC, I would like to have a "channel" that allows ...
Andrea Rubi's user avatar
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ASLR doesn't work?

I have following code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int *ptr1 = malloc(16); int val1 = 0x12345678; printf("stack: %p\nheap: %p\n", &...
qwertyuiqwertyui's user avatar
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How to find buffer offset for Return to Libc Attack

I am trying to find the buffer for where the implement my buffer overflow attack The lab link is also here: How I find X Y Z in a ...
James Ukilin's user avatar
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Shellcode doesn't execute and EIP is overwritten

I've written a vulnerable program (below) and some shellcode (also below) to use in a buffer overflow exploit. I've had the same problems as in this link, and solved those using the answers there (-z ...
Henrik Oldcorn's user avatar
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Problem exploiting Buffer Overflow in a simple C program

I am new to Buffer Overflow exploits and I started with a simple C program. My program is as follows : #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> void execs(void){ printf("yay!!"); } ...
Panther Coder's user avatar
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Static vs Dynamic Linking

I came across DJB's Curve25519 implementation site ( and noticed he states in reference to using it: You can and should include it in your own programs, rather than going ...
Anthony Kraft's user avatar
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Void pointer and their attribute constructor

I am supposed to find the vulnerability in the code (as a part of a ctf) and I feel it's hidden either in the __attribute__((constructor)) or the pointer. Here I can make out that it's a void pointer ...
Haaziq Jamal's user avatar
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How do I compare the safety of a compiled program with optimization flag?

I would like to know how I can know which is the safest compilation line, that is: Having several compilation lines in, for example, GCC, how do I know which one is more secure? Hardening would be a ...
sgio's user avatar
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Buffer Overflow Works Locally But Not Remotely

So I made a simple buffer overflow challenge and attempted to host it on a digitalocean droplet. The challenge source is below, and is compiled using gcc welcome.c -fno-stack-protector -no-pie -o ...
Michael Hoefler's user avatar
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Buffer Overflow protections in custom library

Does a custom library affected by a buffer overflow need to be compiled with protections even if it is linked against an executable which already has protections?
Lucian Nitescu's user avatar
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Software overflow exploitation lab

Working through a binary exploitation course posted by RPI a few years ago. Currently on the ASLR lab and having some trouble with it (although not with the parts related to ASLR). I can't figure out ...
Praet's user avatar
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Ensuring File is Write-Only For Specific Program

So in this scenario there are several programs that exist that can open and read a binary file, but my program must be the final arbitrator in creating and writing to these files. In this program I ...
A Mac's user avatar
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Avoid stack addresses containing zeros

I'm learning some hacking with Erickson's "The Art of Explotation". To try out the exploits myself, I'm using C on a virtual maching with 32-bit Debian on my windows laptop (in VirtualBox). ...
Cream's user avatar
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Buffer overflow outside gdb

I'm trying to exploit a basic C program (below) which I've written: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void main() { char ch[10]; scanf("%s", ch); if(strcmp(&...
Abhirup Bakshi's user avatar
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Having trouble with learning Buffer Overflows

So I have this program in C that I'm trying to exploit which has a vulnerability in a function, namely it's using gets. I'm trying to overflow and change the return address so the program returns one ...
Fiach ONeill's user avatar
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Format string exploit length

I'm new to Software security and I'm studying it now at the university. I had some doubts about the Format String exploit, in particular how to count the length (in number of bytes) of a format string ...
Mattia Surricchio's user avatar
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Is it trivial to protect from double free just by LD_PRELOADing a custom malloc/calloc and free?

Can't one just implement a malloc/calloc wrapper that adds the returned pointer address to a global hash table prior to returning, and then a free wrapper that checks for the presence of the pointer ...
cyborg's user avatar
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Buffer Overflow in the C program

I'm preparing for an introductory information security examination in university and this is one of the examination questions on Secure Programming. Here is the question. Sorry the original condition ...
Prashin Jeevaganth's user avatar
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Overflowing the buffer yet not jumping to address

I am a beginner at buffer overflows been studying this subject from a few days and i found this exercise (code from: here) I think understand the basic concept i write more than 64 bytes characters ...
Nikolay Atanasov's user avatar
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Securing .so file access permissions

I work for a place that offers an encryption suite for Android apps in the form of a .so C library to be integrated in Android apps. The issue is that there are only two exported functions in the .so ...
Solidak's user avatar
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Is it possible to execute code in this program using heap overflow?

Program code (with Pseudo code part): #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { int controlled1=10; int controlled2=20; int controlled3=300; //test.bin ...
dev's user avatar
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Interactive shell not opening

I'm performing a buffer overflow attack on a binary and I managed to get proper return address and execute my shell code. It successfully ran the shell code. But I'm not getting a shell. When I type ...
Subramanya Vajiraya's user avatar
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How to implement ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA-2 communication in OpenSSL?

Full question How do you implement client and server based solution-pair to secure network communication for simple C++-based desktop (non-browser) programs utilising the ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA-2 ...
Infogeek's user avatar
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PHP BLENC extension security concern

PHP BLENC is a extension that allows PHP developer encrypt their code, protect their ideas and avoid illegal copy. Although BLENC allow developer to define the main encryption key in source(in the ...
Hartman's user avatar
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How to exploit this piece of code? (format string in printf?) [closed]

So this piece of code is vulnerable to format string vuln (I think) in the printf() function. It reads a file in /tmp/file so I've tried writing different modifier/strings in that file and see what ...
user3916237's user avatar
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exploiting Heap Overflow in gdb segfaults

I have been trying to exploit the heap overflow vulnerability for the program below, I am running Linux 14.04. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> int n = 5; ...
user10012's user avatar
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SSH Protocol classification version exchange messages

I am trying to classify network protocols over network traffic . Now my task is SSH protocol. I read the RFC and know SSH starts with protocol exchange message from both client and server . Format ...
Kadir Erdem Demir's user avatar
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What is missing to reproduce CVE-2022-32250?

I want to reproduce CVE-2022-32250. I found this this git repo as a repository for the exploit and a code proof of concept provided here. So I installed Ubuntu 22.04 on VM, and installed kernel ...
E Epsylon's user avatar
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How to disabel relro to overwrite fini_array or .got.plt element?

I am reading the book Hacking: The art of exploitation and there is a format string exploit example which attempts to overwrite an address of the dtors with the address of a shellcode environment ...
ht332932's user avatar
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Format String Vulnerability - Can't read an address from stdin with read() in C

I wanted to exploit this code using format string vulnerability: int jackpot; void fmt_str(void) { char buf[128]; puts("Give me a string to print"); read(0, buf, 128); printf(buf); ...
Baratz96's user avatar
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How do I bypass a return address overwrite not doing anything?

This is main: (gdb) disass main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x000000000040057c <+0>: push rbp 0x000000000040057d <+1>: mov rbp,rsp 0x0000000000400580 <+4&...
Gabriel Reyes's user avatar
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Security implications of setting the broadcast flag on a UDP socket

Are there any negative security effects of setting the SO_BROADCAST option in a C UDP socket? I'm writing a C program and if I just set the broadcast option to 1 then all IP addresses work as intended,...
user's user avatar
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Snort Portscan Preprocessor Analysis

Remarks I really apologize if this content isn't matching the community, but I am not getting approved on snort-mailing lists and I don't know what can I do for the same, therefore I feel this can be ...
user10012's user avatar
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verifying digest signed with private key using a C program

I'll explain all the steps I've done so far and conclude with my question. using OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013 Generating a private and public key openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048 ...
Itay Sela's user avatar
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