Questions tagged [ruby]

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11 votes
2 answers

Why would you need a salt for AES-CBS when IV is already randomly generated and stored with the encrypted data?

I was looking at this code and came across these comments which says encrypting without a salt is insecure. Why would it be insecure when you are already using a random IV for each value? I think the ...
Chloe's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What unique risks does MVC model binding bring to a website? What additional vigilance is needed?

From what I understand, "model binding" is where a website based on ASP.NET MVC or Ruby on Rails (there are others...) takes parameters in HTTP's GET statement and passes them as variables to code ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

What simple security considerations can I / should I make for a read-only API?

Right now I'm setting up an API, to be consumed on the client-side to set up a directory site. I'm wondering what extra steps I need to take just to prevent people from gaining write access to the ...
Anders H's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

ruby on rails pentesting web applications

I am currently testing a RoR web application, but I am honestly at a bit of a loss, I have never gone up against a RoR application before and I was wondering if there were any specific tools I could ...
TheHidden's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Why does OpenSSL not include AES-256-GCM? [closed]

I'm trying to implement AES-256-GCM in Ruby. Ruby's OpenSSL wrapper library and aead library both clearly seem to believe that OpenSSL itself supports this. However, neither 0.9.8r (which I had ...
Sai's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What risks are involved with installing gems from Are alternatives safer?

Normally, when installing a Ruby gem, I'd ask my system admin to do sudo gem install gemname However, there was recently a security breach with the source of gems, , and I'm ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How does the Meterpreter load modules?

I've been using the Meterpreter for some time and I'm still quite new to it and one of the questions I have is how it's module loading works. Correct me if I'm wrong as I'm still learning how to use ...
eclipse's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Ruby Devise salt exposed

The remember_user_token cookie token generated by the Ruby Devise authentication component reveals part of a bcrypt salted credential when decoded. For example: remember_user_token=...
user1330734's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Password security when connecting to ldap with rails application

How do you store a username/password securely in a rails app when using it for many ldap searches? The connection in the app requires ldap_bind_authenticate(, username, password) each ...
essefbx's user avatar
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5 votes
8 answers

How should I securely generate random passwords when importing new users?

I need to generate random passwords when importing new users from an external source. I'm currently doing it by taking a random assortment of 8 lowercase/uppercase letters, and numbers. I am also ...
123's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Could the bcrypt-ruby binding be vulnerable?

While developing a Ruby on Rails application using a commonly used authentication library named devise, I noticed from the prefix $2a$ of the produced password hashes in the application database that ...
aef's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Ruby resources for Penetration testing/testers and ethical hackers [closed]

I'm wondering if there is a place where I can find up-to-date information regarding ethical hacking with Ruby. I do find lot of Python information, which is OK, but I have 4 years of experience coding ...
cfernandezlinux's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can anybody recommend any gems for checking security vulnerabilities? [closed]

I want to check one of my RoR projects for security vulnerabilities. So can anybody recommend any gems for my needs?
egoholic's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Does Apple maintain the security of the built-in Ruby?

Does Apple maintain the security of the Ruby implementation that comes by default in OS X? I recently heard about CVE-2013-4073, but when I ran "Software Update..." on my OS X Lion box, it didn't ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is Marshal.load safe for Marsha.dumped data

I want to serialize and deserialize models that contain user input. Marshal is a serialization library built into Ruby. By design, ::load can deserialize almost any class loaded into the Ruby process....
Qaz's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Possibility of SQLI in the following request?

I was testing an web application which is written in Ruby, Rails framework, when I stumbled on the following request which was sent. I modified the request and now it displays me a part of the query ...
Dhayalan Pro's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Plain text Rails environment variables and security

I work for a healthcare company that emphasizes security, due to the sensitivity of the data that we work with. Recently, we've been doing a lot of auditing (internal and external) of our current "...
RonMexico's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How does the Ruby on Rails CSRF Protection Work?

I am not sure i completely understand how Ruby on Rails handles CSRF protection. My understanding was that a token is generated and embedded in the HTML markup as a meta tag, and at the same time ...
daniel f.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

AES encryption between Java and Ruby: what is the default mode and padding for AES in Java?

I'm writing a ruby app that needs to create some encryption that our java app needs to be able to decrypt. For this I have done some research, and I have this Java code now: Cipher cipher = Cipher....
cfernandezlinux's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can we join a table in this Ruby on Rails Direct Object Reference?

I am trying to inject a RoR application... I have found a nice command which will allow me to delete things unchecked...but the problem is that its not a problem its a very minor point, to make it a ...
TheHidden's user avatar
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2 votes
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How does CVE-2013-4287 make Rubygems any more vulnerable?

I've recently heard about CVE-2013-4287, which can cause denial of service due to CPU consumption. But earlier this year, I attended Hacking with Gems which showed all kinds of weird and wonderful ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Restriction to ui panel on BeEF+Bettercap generates error login

I'm not sure if I discovered a possible bug. I already reported to Bettercap's staff on their Bettercap's Github but as you can see on that link, it seems the problem is not on Bettercap's side. Maybe ...
OscarAkaElvis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is Ruby's SQL Injection protection enough to warrant not using additional security measures?

In my experience, SQL Injection is always a threat. If bad actors don't penetrate via SQL, they get enough data to launch bruteforces via MBASentry or do privilege escalation via scripts. However, I ...
El Chapo Gluzman's user avatar
2 votes
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Ruby Active Storage blob keys?

What are the security impacts of revealing the keys to the user? I googled around and only found the ruby documentation. But did not find any article on how it affects security. Is it just because of ...
Shrenik's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Arp Spoofing detection with Ruby [closed]

I am planning to develop a Ruby script that detects ARP spoofing attacks on a local network, I have a few questions about it. There are three scenarios I am taking into consideration: First idea as ...
Fatih Altuntaş's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What is the purpose of OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory [closed]

Why standard library of ruby suggests to create factory and only then add extensions to certificate ? ef = ef.subject_certificate = our_cert ef.issuer_certificate =...
srghma's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Token based authentication: Why invalidate the token after each request?

I use the gem devise_token_auth while developing an API for a mobile app. Authors claim that: Tokens should be invalidated after each request to the API. This behavior is enabled by default. Can ...
rdupz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to verify Ruby on Rails projects are at current patch levels?

I've got a few Ruby on Rails systems running Ubuntu 14.04LTS. The Ubuntu version of supported Ruby is 1.9.1 but the developers use a Gemfile and Bundler which (AFAIK) installs Ruby (and gems) out-of-...
Server Fault's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Zap Proxy - script to modify headers automatically

Hello just wondering if someone already wrote a script for Zap to modify headers automatically with out me having to do it on each response/request.. example. modify response from 3xx or 4xx to 2xx to ...
cfernandezlinux's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

SQL injection in find_by Active Record RoR 4

I was trying to understand the possibility of SQLi in a Rails Application, that I am currently auditing for a client, that uses Active Record 4.2.0. Now, I have limited experience with RoR so please ...
qre0ct's user avatar
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2 answers

exploiting the scenario and how to generate a secure reset password token

I am using the following line of code to create a reset password code sent to the user in her/his email. when scanned with brakeman to my ruby code, this line of code is catched and describes it as it ...
hanan's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to transfer the `id` more securely in Rails project?

I checked my rails project with a brakeman, and received warning. Potentially dangerous key allowed for mass assignment: params.require(:inspector_id) class ReportsController < ...
Igor Polyakov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

"SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED" with my own certificates

Two sites. Only one works. I have two SSL-enabled sites running on Heroku, both of which provide APIs. I bought the SSL certificates from different sources. When I use Ruby and Python to make some ...
haelcuoe's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Implement GPG Verification (Bitcoin-OTC)

I'm looking to implement a "Verify with Bitcoin-OTC" feature for my web app. The general idea is the user would prove he owns a particular account on the external site Bitcoin-OTC and my app would ...
Maros's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Checking if current user exists before executing code

In one of my controllers I have this method: def method_name if current_user @model = Model.find(params[:id]) if @model.destroy flash.alert = 'Model deleted successfully' ...
Stefanos.Ioannou's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is an XML round trip vulnerability?

I keep hearing about the XML round trip vulnerability in version 3.2.4 of the Ruby package REXML. I looked into it myself, of course, and it seems to have something to do with parsing an XML document, ...
Alex V's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Odd rails filter allows <script> tag but not <% %>

I am on a pentest for a client and they have a custom rails app that allows admin accounts to change page contents. While the front end editor filters script tags the backend does not, so using Burp I ...
staticFlow's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

sample .apk file fore testing the Directory traversal vulnerability [closed]

I am looking to get a .apk file for testing the Directory traversal vulnerability. We have upgraded the rubyzip gem to address this issue. And I want ...
Kapidis's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Metasploit Plugin not interacting with Meterpreter Client

I'm developing a plugin to automate some post exploitation tasks. Two days ago all methods that interact with the client (from the client_core and stdapi) simply don't return anything, like if in a ...
Vinicius's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Converting Metasploit module to standalone Python script [closed]

How easy is to convert Ruby code to Python code and to change Metasploit module into standalone Python script for Linux?
minto's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

I get the feeling that Microsoft and Mac use two different forms of AES

I have an AES string being produced with this class, the AesCryptoServiceProvider Class provided by Microsoft. And I need to decode this encryption with Ruby's SSL::Cipher class . The problem is ...
Trip's user avatar
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1 answer

Ruby on Rails: Request to http://\localhost/admin/config.php

I got an exception notification for a request from to: http://\localhost/admin/config.php This is the notification: ------------------------------- Request: ------------------------...
Railsana's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Analysing a MetaSploit Exploit, can't figure out why a function is not executing

I'm studying a MetaSploit Exploit vnc_keyboard_exec, and I was wondering where is defined the function cmd_psh_payload (line 141). So I greped through msf/core directory on my Kali machine and found ...
Stephane's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is injecting a second Authenticity_Token on a login request considered a security threat?

I'm running a security test on a website. The login request looks like this: POST /sessions HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/...
Mico's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do I prevent my Rails application from attack? [closed]

My website is being nuked by new signups and new posts some of which don't even have associated with. How do I solve this? What code should I add to the user#new page and/or post#new page. ...
Tanapuch Touchdown's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Rails{Rails.root}) is vulnerable to LFI?

I am performing White Box testing on Rails application with static code analyzing tools like brakeman, I came across an instance where the developer is loading images using file = File....
Captain-Robot's user avatar
0 votes
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is there any need to encrypt sensitive images in a database?

I have a project that requires users to submit a photo of a driver's license as proof of identity. This image just needs to be seen once by an administrator, and has no use after their id is verified. ...
calyxofheld's user avatar
0 votes
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Metasploit Ruby Scripting: Problem with framework.db.creds

I am trying to access the credentials I have gathered so far with Metasploit in a Ruby-Resource script. Unfortunately I get the following error when I try to access framework.db.creds. >> ...
Kai's user avatar
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How do I catch metasploit session scripts error code in ruby?

I was able to start a session using metasploit framework (msf6) with an android but after a while being in the session, the meterpreter session closes. Luckily however after a few seconds, another ...
Steven Even's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

RubySMB::Error::CommunicationError: Read timeout expired when reading from the Socket (timeout=30)

I've been playing around with the EternalBlue exploit recently. I've downloaded a Windows 10 iso file from 2016 and used it to set up a Windows 10 Pro VM as my sandbox. I also ran the nmap script and ...
CBCH's user avatar
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