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Daisetsu's user avatar
Daisetsu's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • United States
111 votes

What should a verification email consist of?

38 votes

Is brute force a probable threat even if you enable CAPTCHA and rate limit logins?

23 votes

Does quick denial tell that you passwords are stored in plain text?

11 votes

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) as user identification and authentication tokens

11 votes

Comparison between Firejail and Apparmor

11 votes

How would one scan a large, untrusted file?

11 votes

If I know the CPU architecture of a target, can I send instructions embedded in an image?

10 votes

SAML and kerberos what to use where

7 votes

How does SMS spoofing work practically?

7 votes

How can I find a web application's document root using a path traversal vulnerability?

6 votes

Why iterate 5200 times when computing Safety Numbers in Signal?

6 votes

What patterns does a signature based anti-virus look for?

6 votes

Are there any fast Homomorphic Obfuscuation techniques available?

6 votes

What is a "Cookie Swap" password reset attack?

5 votes

I don't understand what's wrong with just using cookies for authentication?

5 votes

How can I execute a XSS on 302 redirect and the body on the page?

5 votes

How can I know for sure if somebody has planted spyware on my device?

5 votes

A link redirect to http instead of https: how critical is it?

4 votes

Can you serve up special content to an end-user based on IP or other identifiable data?

4 votes

Use MAC Address to Identify Laptop Model?

4 votes

How does IP Geolocation get weather station information

4 votes

CRC-96(ZIP) decryption

4 votes

Hacker uploads script as image

4 votes

I just can't use social engeneering tool in kali

3 votes

How can releasing the text of an SQL query compromise security?

3 votes

Can my school see exactly what I’m doing?

3 votes

Why can't someone break email or https encryption by somehow getting access to the encryption key?

3 votes

Why would an attacker try to guess random email usernames on a small domain?

3 votes

What are industry-standard recommended practices to protect user information in an Android app?

3 votes

How can I ensure that Dropbox is using only its folder?

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