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Rory Alsop
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From the universities I have looked at, the basics are there (to a greater or lesser degree) but as it isn't a focus, there is very little effort put into updating the course material, for example some course material we have seen has code examples containing well known security vulnerabilities. This just isn't going to get rectified onthe low budgets universities have. And as far as advanced topics, you'll need to be on an Infosec related course.

Initiatives such as the Scotland & Northern Ireland Centre of Excellence in Security & Cybercrime are hoping to make a difference by using volunteers from industry to improve the training in order to lead to graduates who actually understand security.

(disclaimer - I am one of the volunteer supporters of the CoE in Scotland)

Edit - to be fair there are a couple of universities in the UK that have excellent security modules but these are normally part of infosec degrees (eg Royal Holloway, Westminster, Napier)

From the universities I have looked at, the basics are there (to a greater or lesser degree) but as it isn't a focus, there is very little effort put into updating the course material, for example some course material we have seen has code examples containing well known security vulnerabilities. This just isn't going to get rectified onthe low budgets universities have. And as far as advanced topics, you'll need to be on an Infosec related course.

Initiatives such as the Scotland & Northern Ireland Centre of Excellence in Security & Cybercrime are hoping to make a difference by using volunteers from industry to improve the training in order to lead to graduates who actually understand security.

(disclaimer - I am one of the volunteer supporters of the CoE in Scotland)

From the universities I have looked at, the basics are there (to a greater or lesser degree) but as it isn't a focus, there is very little effort put into updating the course material, for example some course material we have seen has code examples containing well known security vulnerabilities. This just isn't going to get rectified onthe low budgets universities have. And as far as advanced topics, you'll need to be on an Infosec related course.

Initiatives such as the Scotland & Northern Ireland Centre of Excellence in Security & Cybercrime are hoping to make a difference by using volunteers from industry to improve the training in order to lead to graduates who actually understand security.

(disclaimer - I am one of the volunteer supporters of the CoE in Scotland)

Edit - to be fair there are a couple of universities in the UK that have excellent security modules but these are normally part of infosec degrees (eg Royal Holloway, Westminster, Napier)

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Rory Alsop
  • 61.7k
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  • 325

From the universities I have looked at, the basics are there (to a greater or lesser degree) but as it isn't a focus, there is very little effort put into updating the course material, for example some course material we have seen has code examples containing well known security vulnerabilities. This just isn't going to get rectified onthe low budgets universities have. And as far as advanced topics, you'll need to be on an Infosec related course.

Initiatives such as the Scotland & Northern Ireland Centre of Excellence in Security & Cybercrime are hoping to make a difference by using volunteers from industry to improve the training in order to lead to graduates who actually understand security.

(disclaimer - I am one of the volunteer supporters of the CoE in Scotland)