Suppose I am setting up a ipsec vpnan IPsec VPN for Apple iOS clients to connect to. I want to perform mutual authentication, ie: I wantwith the clientrequirement that the iOS clients need to know that the server is legitlegitimate and the server needs to validate the user (either by certificate or username & password)vice-versa.
On the VPN server I createdcreate a root CA and from there issuedissue a certificate for the IPsec server cert. If I install theThe CA certcertificate is installed on the phoneiOS device.
In the case of a man-in-the-middle attack will other root CAsservers be able to impersonate my IPsec server by signingusing a certificate for my server?
Askedsigned by another way how does the Cisco / IPsec client verify the server it is connecting to if using certificatesor rogue root CA?