The following situation/question was bugging me lately.
I have a number of accounts and passwords, still managed "old school" with pen and paper. I am aware of the security implications of that method.
I want to backup my passwords in a secure manner, that allows recovery in case of a disaster that could potentially destroy all hardware and physical copies of passwords.
I thought of the following process:
- Take a photo with a camera (e.g. DSLR, no phone)
- Copy photo to a trusted PC
- Encrypt the photo with a long passphrase (e.g. using .7zip AES)
- Overwrite copy of photo on both PC and SD-Card
- Check with a recovery tool if anything of the photo can be recovered
- Upload encrypted file to a zero-knowledge online backup
I know that the camera may have internal memory holding a copy, but that would be of the limitstoo much for my threat assumption.
Is there a down-side for security? Could this be improved or have I overlooked essential problems?