TL;DR: No :)Yes, after some investigation, this seems to be the case.
Secondary devices
Apart fromAfter some OAuthinvestigation, decompiling of the app and Google securityrunning test scenarios, we can conduct the following:
The app is using several local (SQLite) databases. Messages are stored in these databases unencrypted, and the databases itself are not encrypted either. You can check this answersyourself by downloading the .db files from the data/ folder. This is the default storage location for WhatsApp in running mode, and is unencrypted for performance reasons most likely. Normal apps should not be able to access the .db files in the data folder, but there are quite a few adb
Database files including settings and messages are backuped in Google Drive (if you choose to do so). The app can request a lock on the folder in Google Drive to prevent users from downloading or accessing the backup. The message databases send to the remote backup location are the msgstore.db.crypt[0-12]
files, where the last number denotes the protocol version. The databases are encrypted with a key stored in the data folder. This key is in fact stored on the WhatsApp server.
Second assumption: So the worst part is that if you backup on Google Drive, WhatsApp has theoretically access (?) to your (hopefully encrypted) backup and also access to the en-/decryption key on their servers. Or is there at least a separation between Google Drive not readable by WhatsApp itself? Does somebody has more details?
The moment you install a new device and setup your second questionGoogle Account, the files can be requested by the app and configured on the local device. This includes the axolotl database containing the identity key which is necessary in order to prove your identity to others. The decryption key is retrieved after the proving ownership of the phone number (username) to the newly installed WhatsApp instance. In theory, WhatsApp should not be able to access those files, but only you and Google. Ofcourse, WhatsApp could download the files and send them to another location. But at some point we need to put trust in the app, especially if it's not opensource.
WhatsApp is making local backups as well, usually twice a day in sdcard/whatsapp. These local backups also contain the identity key and the message storage databases, and are in fact encrypted. Once again the encryption key is stored on the remote server together with your WhatsApp profile. This explains why you can move the entire WhatsApp backup folder from one device to another. Without a verified phone number you cannot read the backup files, or use the identity key, however any rooted device can give easy access to the original, unencrypted, database files.
One last word about end2end encryption protocol: It seems it is useless (not against normal hackers, but I think against US surveillance) when at least one of your friend will do a Google Drive backup of their chat (history of chats are retrievable).
The story does not get any better from this point, as we know that Google and other companies such as Facebook and WhatsApp supply files on request under the FISA act. There is no need to strike at the end-to-end communication as there is already a 'backdoor'. E2E only protects against active adversaries on the communication channel, who do not possess the power to demand backup files from party one and the decryption key from the other.
Window of Attack
Suppose we look at the situation from a non-government or 'normal' attacker with limited resources, then the device is the obvious weakness. Any app with root privileges can also access databases, can copy keys and so forth. The default Android ROMs contains many apps running under the system user, but also the vendor's apps shipped with the ROM (and updates) are protected from user intervention, and thus run as system.
Malicious apps are not without risk either. With the correct permissions they have full control over the sdcard storage, and can access the encrypted backups. When the verification SMS is intercepted at the correct moment (hooking in on the SMS receive call) and the phone number is copied, it should be possible to activate a self-controlled WhatsApp instance and to receive the database decryption key. The attack becomes even more plausible if the adversary has control over mobile communications (which governments often do).
The adb attack is even worse since it doesn't require root permissions. Basically a downgrade attack is possible where an older version of WhatsApp is installed via the bridge interface. This so called legacy WhatsApp can be tricked into a full application backup, resulting in a tar archive. The tarball is pulled to the adb server side and extracted. When properly prepared it would take an USB cable and a matter of seconds.