So lets say I have a .sh script and I have to input a password in it , will there be some kind of cache where the bash inputs are stored ? And if yes please tell me whre so I can ersase it . Would the attacker be able to decrypt something which was encrypted with a shell / bash script passed through another program , if he had physical access to the machine ? If yes , how can I prevent that ?
I didnt find anything on the topic .
Thank you !
part of the script as exaple :
echo "please input your password to be hashed "
echo ""
stty -echo
read -p "Password :" x; echo
stty echo
echo ""
echo "please repeat the password "
echo ""
stty -echo
read -p "Password :" x2; echo
stty echo
if [[ $x == $x2 ]]
echo ""
echo "Passwords match !"
echo ""
sleep 2
echo ""
echo "passwords dont matchexample :( "
echo ""
sleep 2
echo "exiting"
echo ""
sleep 1
exit 1
echo "please input your password to be hashed "
echo ""
stty -echo
read -p "Password :" x; echo
stty echo
echo ""
echo "please repeat the password "
echo ""
stty -echo
read -p "Password :" x2; echo
stty echo
if [[ $x == $x2 ]] ;then
echo ""
echo "Passwords match !"
echo ""
sleep 2
echo ""
echo "passwords dont match :( "
echo ""
sleep 2
echo "exiting"
echo ""
sleep 1
exit 1