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Mike Ounsworth
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My question is about an hypotetichypotetical real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypotetichypotetical example?

Thank you.

My question is about an hypotetic real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypotetic example?

Thank you.

My question is about an hypotetical real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypotetical example?

Improve question with source code
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My question is about an hypoteticalhypotetic real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypoteticalhypotetic example?

The vulnerable variable is $coursename and the whole PHP source of the page which display the input is this:



 // Get the coursename //
 $query = mysql_query("SELECT coursename FROM courses WHERE courseid = '$_POST[selectclass]'") or die("ManageAssignments.php: Unable to get the course name - ".mysql_error());
 $coursename = mysql_result($query,0);

 <h1>View Assignments</h1>
 <table align='center' width='600' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>
 <form name='assignments' action='./index.php' method='POST'>
  <table cellspacing='0' width='600' cellpadding='8' class='dynamiclist'>
   <tr class='header'>
    <th colspan='6'><h2>$coursename</th>
   <tr class='header'>
    <th width='120' align='left' style='padding-left: 20px;'>Title</th>
    <th>Assigned Task</th>
    <th>Possible Points</th>
    <th>Date Assigned</th>
    <th>Date Due</th>

   // Get the total number of assignments to know how many pages to have //
   $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM assignments")
     or die("ManageAssignments.php: Unable to retrieve total number of assignments - ".mysql_error());

   $numrows = mysql_result($query,0);

   $numpages = ceil($numrows / 25);

   if($_POST["onpage"] == "")

   // Get and display the assignments //
   $query = mysql_query("SELECT assignmentid, title, totalpoints, assigneddate, duedate, assignmentinformation FROM assignments WHERE courseid = $_POST[selectclass] ORDER BY assigneddate DESC")
            or die("ManageAssignments.php: Unable to get a list of assignments - ".mysql_error());
   $row = 0;
   $actualrow = 0;
   while($assignment = mysql_fetch_row($query))

    if($row > ($_POST["onpage"]*25)-25 && $row <= ($_POST["onpage"]*25))

     $assignment[2] = number_format($assignment[2],0);
     $assignment[3] = convertfromdb($assignment[3]);
     $assignment[4] = convertfromdb($assignment[4]);

     print("<tr class='".( $row%2==0 ? "even" : "odd" )."'>
      <td align='left' style='padding-left: 20px;'>$assignment[1]</td>
      <td style='text-align: left;'>$assignment[5]</td>

 print(" </table>
  <center>Page: ");

  for($i=1; $i<=$numpages; $i++)
   if($i == $_POST["onpage"])
    print("<a href='JavaScript: document.assignments.deleteassignment.value=0;document.assignments.page2.value=2;document.assignments.onpage.value=$i;document.assignments.submit();' class='selectedpagenum' onMouseover=\"window.status='Go to page $i';return true;\" onMouseout=\"window.status='';return true;\">$i</a>&nbsp;\n");
    print("<a href='JavaScript: document.assignments.deleteassignment.value=0;document.assignments.page2.value=2;document.assignments.onpage.value=$i;document.assignments.submit();' class='pagenum' onMouseover=\"window.status='Go to page $i';return true;\" onMouseout=\"window.status='';return true;\">$i</a>&nbsp;\n");

  <input type='hidden' name='deleteassignment'>
  <input type='hidden' name='selectassignment'>
  <input type='hidden' name='page2' value='$page2'>
  <input type='hidden' name='onpage' value='$_POST[onpage]'>
  <input type='hidden' name='logout'>
  <input type='hidden' name='selectclass' value='$_POST[selectclass]' />
  <input type='hidden' name='page' value='$page'>

 <table width='520' border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 height=1>
   <td valign='top'>

Thank you.

My question is about an hypotetical real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypotetical example?

My question is about an hypotetic real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypotetic example?

The vulnerable variable is $coursename and the whole PHP source of the page which display the input is this:



 // Get the coursename //
 $query = mysql_query("SELECT coursename FROM courses WHERE courseid = '$_POST[selectclass]'") or die("ManageAssignments.php: Unable to get the course name - ".mysql_error());
 $coursename = mysql_result($query,0);

 <h1>View Assignments</h1>
 <table align='center' width='600' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>
 <form name='assignments' action='./index.php' method='POST'>
  <table cellspacing='0' width='600' cellpadding='8' class='dynamiclist'>
   <tr class='header'>
    <th colspan='6'><h2>$coursename</th>
   <tr class='header'>
    <th width='120' align='left' style='padding-left: 20px;'>Title</th>
    <th>Assigned Task</th>
    <th>Possible Points</th>
    <th>Date Assigned</th>
    <th>Date Due</th>

   // Get the total number of assignments to know how many pages to have //
   $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM assignments")
     or die("ManageAssignments.php: Unable to retrieve total number of assignments - ".mysql_error());

   $numrows = mysql_result($query,0);

   $numpages = ceil($numrows / 25);

   if($_POST["onpage"] == "")

   // Get and display the assignments //
   $query = mysql_query("SELECT assignmentid, title, totalpoints, assigneddate, duedate, assignmentinformation FROM assignments WHERE courseid = $_POST[selectclass] ORDER BY assigneddate DESC")
            or die("ManageAssignments.php: Unable to get a list of assignments - ".mysql_error());
   $row = 0;
   $actualrow = 0;
   while($assignment = mysql_fetch_row($query))

    if($row > ($_POST["onpage"]*25)-25 && $row <= ($_POST["onpage"]*25))

     $assignment[2] = number_format($assignment[2],0);
     $assignment[3] = convertfromdb($assignment[3]);
     $assignment[4] = convertfromdb($assignment[4]);

     print("<tr class='".( $row%2==0 ? "even" : "odd" )."'>
      <td align='left' style='padding-left: 20px;'>$assignment[1]</td>
      <td style='text-align: left;'>$assignment[5]</td>

 print(" </table>
  <center>Page: ");

  for($i=1; $i<=$numpages; $i++)
   if($i == $_POST["onpage"])
    print("<a href='JavaScript: document.assignments.deleteassignment.value=0;document.assignments.page2.value=2;document.assignments.onpage.value=$i;document.assignments.submit();' class='selectedpagenum' onMouseover=\"window.status='Go to page $i';return true;\" onMouseout=\"window.status='';return true;\">$i</a>&nbsp;\n");
    print("<a href='JavaScript: document.assignments.deleteassignment.value=0;document.assignments.page2.value=2;document.assignments.onpage.value=$i;document.assignments.submit();' class='pagenum' onMouseover=\"window.status='Go to page $i';return true;\" onMouseout=\"window.status='';return true;\">$i</a>&nbsp;\n");

  <input type='hidden' name='deleteassignment'>
  <input type='hidden' name='selectassignment'>
  <input type='hidden' name='page2' value='$page2'>
  <input type='hidden' name='onpage' value='$_POST[onpage]'>
  <input type='hidden' name='logout'>
  <input type='hidden' name='selectclass' value='$_POST[selectclass]' />
  <input type='hidden' name='page' value='$page'>

 <table width='520' border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 height=1>
   <td valign='top'>

Thank you.

removed thanks
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Mike Ounsworth
  • 59.3k
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For an university project I have to perform an analysis on a web application to find out XSS vulnerabilities. After this I have to report and create automatic test to prove vulnerabilities that I have discovered.

I've discovered a stored XSS vulnerability which affects a database field declared as varchar(20) and, in order to demonstrate it, I've used <h1>Attack!</h1> as an attack vector and this is sufficient for my task.

My question is about an hypotetichypotetical real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypotetichypotetical example?

Thank you.

For an university project I have to perform an analysis on a web application to find out XSS vulnerabilities. After this I have to report and create automatic test to prove vulnerabilities that I have discovered.

I've discovered a stored XSS vulnerability which affects a database field declared as varchar(20) and, in order to demonstrate it, I've used <h1>Attack!</h1> as an attack vector and this is sufficient for my task.

My question is about an hypotetic real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypotetic example?

Thank you.

For an university project I have to perform an analysis on a web application to find out XSS vulnerabilities. After this I have to report and create automatic test to prove vulnerabilities that I have discovered.

I've discovered a stored XSS vulnerability which affects a database field declared as varchar(20) and, in order to demonstrate it, I've used <h1>Attack!</h1> as an attack vector and this is sufficient for my task.

My question is about an hypotetical real scenario: how could I craft an effective attack vector with the limitation of only 20 characters. Is it possible? How?

Could someone provide an hypotetical example?

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