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The following graph shows the UDP DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

and hereEDIT: Above graph shows DNS over UDP. Here is the SYNs/sec graph:

enter image description here

EDIT: This is a part of traffic passing a country and internet.

The following graph shows the DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

and here is the SYNs/sec graph:

enter image description here

EDIT: This is a part of traffic passing a country and internet.

The following graph shows the UDP DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

EDIT: Above graph shows DNS over UDP. Here is the SYNs/sec graph:

enter image description here

EDIT: This is a part of traffic passing a country and internet.

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The following graph shows the DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

and here is the SYNs/sec graph:

enter image description here

EDIT: This is a part of traffic passing a country and internet.

The following graph shows the DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

and here is the SYNs/sec graph:

enter image description here

The following graph shows the DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

and here is the SYNs/sec graph:

enter image description here

EDIT: This is a part of traffic passing a country and internet.

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Is this pattern a DNS attack?

The following graph shows the DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

and here is the SYNs/sec graph:

enter image description here

Is this pattern a DNS attack?

The following graph shows the DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

Is this a DNS attack?

The following graph shows the DNS queries/sec (blue) and DNS responses/sec (red) of traffic passing a router over the preiod of 4 days. DNS query is a DNS packet with query/response flag set to 0 in header and DNS response the one with the flag set to 1.

  1. Are the jumps in responses with the width of about 30 minutes resemble some kind of attack?
  2. What about jumps in queries?
  3. Why is there a large and constant difference between the queries and responses for long period of time?

enter image description here

and here is the SYNs/sec graph:

enter image description here

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