I have a few wuestions.
I'm trying to set up a hidden web service over the TORTor network, and I was thinking of making a configurationsconfiguration where my Apache server and my database server are located on different networks.
I know this will introduce a LOTlot of latency, especially since no server will know where the other is (Tor will be running on both), so that ifin case one of them is compromised, the other one is not.
Anyways, I'd like to know if it would be reasonable to run a hidden service configured as follows: My Apache server connectsconnecting to a seperateseparate hidden service that acts as a database. The, and the end user connects to the apacheApache server.?
My ultimate question is: WouldAdditionally, would the latency be low enough to make this feasible, or would it be impossilbeimpossible to use and it would time out-out all the time, due to netowrknetwork latency?
Also, what What would be an ideaideal server configureationconfiguration, i ntermsin terms of resources. Would? Would the apache server need more ramRAM/cpuCPU, and the DB server more IOI/O and things like that?