Passwords should be salted and hashed, not encrypted. You should use a slow hash to mitigate precomputation attacks. There is .NET code here:
Edited to add: If your number of accounts is low, you might be able to simply block login attempts while the hashing code runs. However, it's designed to be slow, so you may have to allow logins while passwords are being hashed. That's no problem. Compare the plaintext password first; if there's no match, hash the offered password and compare again.
Do not forget that you have to store the salt as well as the hash. If you're not changing your database schema, those can be concatenated and stored in the existing password field, assuming it's varchar. Otherwise, you may have to add columns to the database and clear the plaintext column after the hash computation is complete and committed.
Check your password recovery mechanism. When you've done this, you won't be able to tell users what their passwords are. You'll need some other recovery mechanism.
Not relevant to the question, but if you're not using TLS for the login, you need to.