What you're talking about is known as the pigeonhole principle - if you have n possible passwords and a hash function with m possible outputs, where n > m, there will always be some input values which produce the same output hashes.
The question then becomes: does this matter? With a hash output space of 2160 possible values, an accidental collision has a probability of about 6.842×10-49. Not a whole lot. This gets more interesting when you look into birthday attacks, because the probabilities get much higher, but it's still generally considered infeasible to find 160-bit collisions using naive methods such as brute-force.
In reality, a smart attacker is more likely to focus upon vulnerabilities within the hash function which reduce the necessary computation in order to find a collision. But, in the arena of password storage, this should mostly be moot - passwords are easy to crack if you only hash them with SHA1, because GPUs can brute-force at a rate of billions of hashes per second due to their massively parallel nature.
If you want to store passwords safely, don't use a hash. Use a key-derivation algorithm designed for password storage, such as PBKDF2 or bcrypt. You should also take a look at a related answera related answer I wrote about salted hashes, which goes into the history of how we progressed from hashes, to salted hashes, onto modern KDFs, and the rationales behind each defense and attack step.