iI am using pfsensepfSense on the gateway of my network. iI configured squidSquid and enabled the httpsHTTPS filtering. iI created the internal caCA and configured squidSquid to use this internal caCA for ssl bumpSSL Bump.
Now the problem is when iI try to access any site, this shows a warning message that this the certificate is not from a valid issuer sec_error_unknown_issuer, "sec_error_unknown_issuer". Moreover most browsers implement the https strictHTTPS Strict (hstsHSTS) so they wontwon't let the sites open with the non trusted-trusted certificate. i
I purchased a server certificate and added this to the caCA, but then squidSquid will not even start. what
What should iI do.? Do iI need to add the root certificate of the certifying authority, or i can notI cannot bypass this warning message. forFor the sslSSL bumping all the squid needSquid needs to do is to behave as a server to the client and as a client to the server. if
If it generates a certificatecertificate for a particular website on go then it is logically not possible. my
My question is how to bypass this warning message on the client machine. iI tried adding the certificates to the firefoxFirefox lists but this does not help due to hstsHSTS.