What is the most secure way for two people to communicate digitally when one person is in the U.S. and the other is in China (likely being monitored)?
Updated: Here's some additional info:
- The data are traveling both ways.
- The amounts of data are small: less than 10MB usually.
- GPG may satisfy the requirements. I posted the question here because my understanding of infosec is not sophisticated enough for me to make that judgement myself.
Revised scenario:
Two parties wish to share information digitally, back-and-forth. One party is in the U.S., the other in China. The two parties do not want any other parties to be able to decipher the information at any point in the stream. The data transfers have a maximum size of 10MB. The budget is small – $10/month.
If PGP or GPG will meet these needs – that's perfect. I'm asking in case there is a vulnerability in this scenario that I'm not aware of or considering appropriately.