As far as I've understood, if you try to issue a HTTP request with a spoofed IP address, then the TCP handshake fails, so it's not possible to complete the HTTP request, because the SYN/ACK from the server doesn't reach the evil client ... most cases. But let's now mostly disregard these four cases:
- Man in the middle (MITM) attacks
- The case when the evil client controls the network of the Web server
- The case when the evil client fakes another IP on its own local network
- BGP attacks
Then I can indeed trust the IP address of a HTTP request?
Background: I'm thinking about building a map of IP addresses and resource usage, and block IP addresses that consume too much resources. But I'm wondering if there is, for example, some way to fake an infinit number of IP addresses (by issuing successful HTTP requests with faked IPs), so that the Web server's resource-usage-by-IP-buffers grows huge and causes out-of-memory errors.
(Hmm, perhaps an evil Internet router could fake very many requests. But they aren't evil are they. (This would be a MITM attack? That's why I said mostly disregard, above))
/etc. applies here. Those values cannot be trusted unless you can trust the source of the values. This includes the Apache variableREMOTE_ADDR
if you are usingmod_rpaf
or the newer module for 2.4 and later that does the same thing.