Currently, we have a small personal project which is meant to allow people to create 'profiles' in HTML/CSS. We aim to put all this generated content within a sandboxed iframe. The next point in discussion comes from allowing scripts in these iframes since users will be able to enter whatever content they want.

Couple things to note:

  • The site has a cross-origin policy of: allow-all
  • Authorization is handled through tokens stored within a React app. Not cookies.

I am mostly curious on the security risks of such a design and I have not found a clear concise answer. Should allow scripts within these iframes? or does this pose too much of a risk? What type of attacks are we looking at through an iframe? I am concerned mostly with XSS-type attacks. What about browser vulnerabilities with iframes?

  • So to be clear, the profiles will be published by the people in question and hosted on their own sites, and then you are going to include those sites in yours via iframes? Sep 11, 2019 at 17:47
  • To clarify, and I apologize. I never saw the response. Users load their HTML code which is then injected into a sandboxed Iframe.
    – Lpuche
    Feb 11, 2020 at 22:50


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