This is something that happened to me a few months ago. I don't know if it is a hack attempt, although I can't think of any way that there could be any danger or any personal information gained.

I don't have a Netflix account and never have done. I have a Gmail address which I have never used for public communication. Suddenly I started getting email to this Gmail address from Netflix - not a "Welcome to Netflix" email or one requesting address verification, but what looked like a monthly promo for an existing account. This was addressed to someone with a different real name, with that name not similar in any way to the Gmail name.

After a few of these messages I decided to investigate by going to Netflix and trying to log in with that email address. Using the "forgotten password" option I was able to get a password reset email, change the password and log in. The account appeared to be from Brazil, with some watch history but no other personal details stored and no payment information.

Soon the emails from Netflix started to ask me to update payment information. I didn't, of course, and then they changed to "your account will be suspended" and then "your account has been suspended". The "come back to Netflix" emails are still coming in occasionally.

I don't see how this could possibly be a phishing attempt - I carefully checked that I was on the real Netflix site, used a throwaway password not used on any other sites, and did not enter any of my personal information. I also checked the headers of the emails carefully and they were sent by Netflix. So is this just a mistake on somebody's part, mistyping an email address (although it's surprising that Netflix accepted it with no verification), or something more sinister?

  • 45
    Did you click the links in the email to reset your password? Or did you actually type w w w . n e t f l i x . c o m into a browser with your fingers? That first one is how they getcha... Commented May 12, 2019 at 23:24
  • 24
    @DmitryGrigoryev IBTD. That other person willingly used the OP's email address and had to expect this as well.
    – glglgl
    Commented May 13, 2019 at 9:42
  • 32
    @DmitryGrigoryev Yeah no. What OP did was lock their front door when somebody else was letting themselves in uninvited and using their living room to watch TV. Commented May 13, 2019 at 9:55
  • 22
    @DmitryGrigoryev I am aware. To stretch my metaphor a bit, what OP did was rifle through the handbag that the intruder left behind in OP’s living room, to look for ID. Commented May 13, 2019 at 11:05
  • 15
    I have several Gmail accounts, and one of them gets account signups like this all the time. They're all harmless. It's a short and surprisingly popular name, so I think it's either due to typos or someone confusing their email domains. I once did have someone try repeatedly to reset my Gmail password, but that stopped after I changed the text of my security question to "This is not your account, person from IP abc.def.ghi.jkl". Commented May 13, 2019 at 15:43

6 Answers 6


I think it's likely that someone is trying to trick you into paying for Netflix for them. From: https://jameshfisher.com/2018/04/07/the-dots-do-matter-how-to-scam-a-gmail-user/:

More generally, the phishing scam here is:

  1. Hammer the Netflix signup form until you find a gmail.com address which is “already registered”. Let’s say you find the victim jameshfisher.
  2. Create a Netflix account with address james.hfisher.
  3. Sign up for free trial with a throwaway card number.
  4. After Netflix applies the “active card check”, cancel the card.
  5. Wait for Netflix to bill the cancelled card. Then Netflix emails james.hfisher asking for a valid card.
  6. Hope Jim reads the email to james.hfisher, assumes it’s for his Netflix account backed by jameshfisher, then enters his card **** 1234.
  7. Change the email for the Netflix account to [email protected], kicking Jim’s access to this account.
  8. Use Netflix free forever with Jim’s card **** 1234!

(Note that the above steps don't include any "password reset" step for Jim to access the account; that's because the email from Netflix includes authenticated links that won't ask for it. The attacker wants the victim to click on the email links instead of visiting Netflix manually, this is what enables "Eve" to log back in to the account in step 7. Or, since Netflix emails authenticated links, possibly "Eve" already has one.)

The above situation is partially caused by Netflix (understandably) not recognizing Gmail's "dots don't matter" feature where email sent to [email protected] and to [email protected] end up in the same account. That doesn't really matter in your case (given that if this is how you're trying to be scammed, step 1 was skipped entirely), however.

A bigger problem is that Netflix apparently still allows people to register email addresses to accounts without verification.

  • 10
    I could have sworn I once found the "dots don't matter" feature of gmail specified in an RFC, but I can't seem to find it.
    – Wildcard
    Commented May 13, 2019 at 7:07
  • 19
    @Gizmo Ignoring a dot in an e-mail address is an awkward security hole, IMHO. But separating the e-mail address from a filter by + is pretty common. In Debian's Postfix default configuration, it reads: recipient_delimiter = +. Commented May 13, 2019 at 8:01
  • 8
    @CedricReichenbach It is not a security hole for Google, but it is a massive invitation for phishing attacks exactly as shown as in jamesdlin's example: Other sites using e-mail addresses as login. Commented May 13, 2019 at 9:18
  • 36
    The answer to your puzzlement at step 7 is that in the standard pattern there is no password reset. OP sensibly went directly to the Netflix site to gain access, but the e-mail they received contained links with auth tokens which would have allowed changing the credit card without knowing the password. That's a major fail by Netflix, where they're prioritising convenience of paying them over the customer's security. Commented May 13, 2019 at 10:27
  • 39
    @corvus_192 While I don't disagree that Netflix is doing nothing wrong regarding the way it honors dots in email addresses, Netflix is doing something wrong by not verifying ownership of the provided email address
    – jamesdlin
    Commented May 14, 2019 at 5:00

The most probable situation is that someone used an arbitrary Gmail address (yours) in order to sign up for a free trial, or mistakenly tried to change their email to the wrong address (maybe to have a friend/family also get emails).

This would not be a "hack" or even a phishing attempt, just using any available address. This does mean that your Gmail address could not be used for a free trial at Netflix, so there is that negative impact to you.

As a side note, by logging into someone else's account, you have violated many country's "unauthorised access" laws. I would not make a habit of doing this (or telling others on public sites that you have".

  • 71
    If someone registers an account with your information, is it really their account? Commented May 12, 2019 at 21:48
  • 8
    @NonnyMoose I would argue the account still belongs to the person who created it. If a package with your name on it is shipped to the wrong address, does the person who lives there have the right to open your package? Also, the account likely has personal information belonging to the account's true creator/owner - name, address, date of birth, etc. The OP also hasn't accepted any terms and conditions or any other prerequisites for creating an account. In this instance, I would email Netflix and explain the situation to them rather than log into the account and snoop around.
    – user196716
    Commented May 12, 2019 at 23:27
  • 8
    This is almost certainly someone abusing Netflix's free trials, not directly attacking OP. Commented May 13, 2019 at 1:01
  • 6
    @NonnyMoose based on my limited legal knowledge, accounts always belong to people (physical human beings) and never to the different virtual manifestations of people that exist Commented May 13, 2019 at 1:56
  • 5
    This is likely the correct idea. I'm saying that because the same happened to me some 2-3 months ago.Without anything else, I wrote to customer support "I got this e-mail, ref no. blah blah, and I am not a customer of yours". Reply was like: "Oh, well thank you for the notice, we have deactivated the account".
    – Damon
    Commented May 13, 2019 at 11:07
  1. Because of the "dots don't matter" gmail policy, this is not likely to be someone else's bona fide Netfix account, unless a typo has occurred in the name other than dot placement.
  2. Even so, you should not hijack this account, it is not yours. So no changing the email address to another domain.
  3. The scam depends upon you having a Netflix account, and using your gmail address for logon.
  4. They are unlikely to have harvested your gmail account from Netfix, nor one that is "dot agnostically similar" (!), but again, typos.
  5. Just send a good example to Netflix, and create a rule to bucket future emails.

I don't even use my gmail address for Google.

  • I don't see how the "dots don't matter" policy factors into things here.
    – iheanyi
    Commented May 14, 2019 at 16:59
  • Because if the dots mattered, gmail would not deliver mail to you with non-matching dots. Netflix sees two addresses. gmail.com sees them as the same address. OP does not have Netflix, so unless it is a speculative attack, the normal gmail address of the OP was not scraped from Netflix after a collision.
    – mckenzm
    Commented May 14, 2019 at 23:04
  • 3
    In regards to "Dots don't matter", other addresses without said dots can't exist: "Your Gmail address is unique. If anyone tries to create a Gmail account with a dotted version of your username, they'll get an error saying the username is already taken. For example, if your address is [email protected], no one can sign up for [email protected]."
    – David M
    Commented May 15, 2019 at 1:33
  • 5
    But they can send email to [email protected], and so can Netflix. It still resolves to [email protected] once it hits the gmail servers.
    – mckenzm
    Commented May 15, 2019 at 2:10
  • 1
    Sure, but "the dots" were not an issue here. So I cannot see how your answer is relevant to this question. Making true statements about something tangentially related does not an answer make.
    – iheanyi
    Commented May 16, 2019 at 2:43

There's another possibility that nobody else has identified. Someone created a trial Netflix account with your gmail address in an attempt to see if you already have a Netflix account.

If the UI returns that that email address is already used, then it identifies it as an account to try dictionary based login attempts against.


This is a common occurrence due to e-mail address confusion.

I get dozens to hundreds of e-mails from legitimate companies (car dealers, LA dept of water and power, Macys.com, cell phone activation notes, the payroll company ADP, and Nationwide insurance) from people with my first name and an initial matching my last name.

The companies could solve it AND improve security with a "double-opt-in" step of requiring you to confirm an e-mail address before it's used.

The worst was in early 2019, when I received medical records (Lab results in a .PDF file) - a clear HIPAA violation, since e-mail isn't an authenticated or encrypted communications channel. The "medical records" person, who should know the law, was the sender of the e-mail.

In my case, none of them are nefarious, but represent clueless users or even worse, clueless sales clerks (such as Lenscrafters in Maryland), the Apple store in Manhattan, and others too numerous to mention.

If people want to make up an address - then [email protected] - is the best one to use. It is invalid by definition in the Internet RFCs.

In hindsight, I realized that my gmail address is too short, and it should have the same length as a password (about 15 characters).

  • Actually, its not a HIPAA violation if the record belonged to the intended recipient and the intended recipient requested that the information be transmitted in an insecure fashion and they were made to understand the dangers before transmission and still opted to have it sent in that way. Commented May 15, 2019 at 18:02
  • 1
    I've also gotten medical reports (x-rays), but my best example of such a first-initial wrong email was a job offer to work at the Department of Homeland Security. Commented May 15, 2019 at 19:13
  • I get all sorts of rubbish, including at one point in time 7 separate Skype accounts all using the same email address. It can be impossibly difficult to be removed from an account - for example the OnStar account that still tells me someone's tire pressure every month, but Skype is easy, although rate-limited to some number per day (3?).
    – Peter
    Commented Mar 16, 2020 at 6:11

I got emails from Netflix too saying that my account was cancelled and that there was a sign in attempt somewhere from the US... except that I live in Canada, and have never made a Netflix account in the first place. I went directly to the Netflix website and was able to speak to a representative, and they deleted the account. There was no payment information either. I don't understand why this happened, either someone has a similar email address yet without the dots, or perhaps there is some sinister reason, but I wouldn't know. I've wondered if someone might do this hoping that the other person would fill in their payment information, thus enabling the account.

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    Commented May 19, 2020 at 20:41

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