As previous already stated, certificate transparency logs provide a list of domains for which the certificates are provided. If you use these domains only for internal purposes, I would suggest to run you own CA that is set up to be trusted on all machines accessing these domains. This can impose some security risks, such as that someone who can get access to your CA's private keys could generate certificates trusted by your client machines.
As a simple workaround, wildcard certificates can be used. But this means that you will have to use the certificate for all your servers – and I assume that you create the temporary domains because you want to use different certificates for them.
And also note that a “random” identifiers, especially in domain names which are often transferred in clear-text over the Internet (in DNS, SNI etc.) is not a real security measure. Consider setting up proper authentication scheme for the service. For development purposes, HTTP Basic
auth is frequently the best choice, since it can be handled by many webservers and reverse proxies and it is therefore transparent for your app.
subdomains by the use of wildcards, so OP should use wildcards.