Someone, I think it was on Charlie Rose, said that anybody who wants to can currently discover what websites have been visited by some person of interest. That assertion was possibly made as a way of saying that one should not worry about the government doing what private citizens are already doing. It used to be that my Internet access was via a university account. As part of its normal daily operations, the university posted a list of all outgoing connections by user name. So if somebody had wanted to know whether I was accessing some juicy site they could just access the university's website, navigate to their log, and search for my name. As far as I can determine, the university in question is no longer posting this information. However, in the past that is one way of stalking individuals that could have been used. Perhaps there are still ways to access such information.
Was the security specialist's assertion true when he claimed that any Internet user's web accesses can be learned by private individuals? (I'm just trying to get an educated view on the hubbub over recent disclosures. Might as well be educated before shooting off my big mouth.)