Just wondering if anyone could help me out with some XSS Vectors that work without having the < or > symbols. Basically the the input is stripped from < and > symbols and any equal signs such that if i were to enter
<body onload="alert('XSS')">
as the vector, only this would be displayed on the page:
body onload
(The < and > symbols are only removed, equal signs are also removed along with everything after them)
The little sideways carrot symbols and equal signs are the only part of the user input that is not sanatized. So there can be parenthesis, semicolons, colons, brackets, etc. Would it even be possible to form a working payload out of a vector that meets these requirements?
? Or the next space? Also, is the payload echoed directly into the HTML, or it it echoed into a JavaScript variable that is then put into the HTML?