I have something injecting a script into all web browsers that I have tried - Firefox, IE, Edge, Chrome - and it doesn't look like an extension (since it is doing so in different web browsers). I suspect it's either a process injection or some silent process doing the work, but cannot pinpoint it. Can anyone advise what I should look for?
It appears it does an injection into newtab-serviceworker.js as well, changing its search form to its own. Bugga! This is the code from that file:
var CHECKSUM = "r4v3sd";
var FILES = [
'/' + '/ssl.gstatic.com/chrome/components/doodle-notifier-01.html'
].concat(EXTRA_FILES || []);
var CACHENAME = 'newtab-static-' + CHECKSUM;
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
event.waitUntil(caches.open(CACHENAME).then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll(FILES);
var ad = response.ad; var ad_token = response.ad_token; ...