Is it okay to store relative health data in the public cloud, accessible by all users of my mobile app? Put another way, is this not considered PHI?
For example:
Bob has a resting heart rate of 40 BPM. When he did a plank for 3 minutes, his heart rate rose to 80 BPM. The percentage of which his heart rate increased (100%) is stored in the public cloud, while his actual heart rates are stored in an HIPAA-compliant private cloud.
Joe has a resting heart rate of 70 BPM. When he did a plank for 3 minutes, his heart rate rose to 100 BPM. The percentage of which his heart rate increased (~42%) is stored in the public cloud, while his actual heart rates are stored in an HIPAA-compliant private cloud.
Another example:
- Bob has asthma. Bob's best peak flow is 700 L/min. This morning, Bob took his peak flow, and he got 660 L/min. The percentage of how close he got to his best peak flow (~94%) and his location1 are stored in the public cloud, while his actual peak flows are stored in an HIPAA-compliant private cloud.
All data in the public cloud will be stored anonymously. Bob's name and its association with his heart rate rising by 100% and location are not stored.
Is this kind of data allowed to be stored and shared with other users? The idea is to see if those in your general location are experiencing the same percentage increase/decrease.
1First 3 digits of the zip code if population is greater than 20,000?
Is this kind of data allowed to be ...
. Now, instead of asking people in a general location if they are experiencing the same percentage of increase/decrease, why not simply calculate it on the backend, figure out if it is true and inform users. You might want to rethink the design.