You won't be able to get your files back by any trivial means, sadly. You may be able to remove the ransomware itself, but you will not be able to retrieve your files without paying the ransom, for now, regardless of the language it was written in. The method used to encrypt these files makes them effectively useless unless you have the private keys, which they definitely won't give you, and you definitely won't guess. For anyone who is curious, Odin uses RSA-2048 bit and AES-128 bit ciphers.
Eventually, as you mentioned, there may be some sort of decryption tool for this strain of ransomware. Companies like Kaspersky and Sophos have already released tools for older varieties of ransomware. But until the time when a tool exists for this version of Odin specifically, you do not have many options.
Cold storage/offline backups are the best method for dealing with ransomware right now after the fact. Not to kick you while you're down, but avoiding malicious links, untrusted websites and downloads is the best way to avoid ransomware. Although I'm sure you've learned this lesson by now.
If you are on windows you could always try something like ShadowExplorer, you may have file backups you weren't aware of (hopefully).
The long and short of it is, your files are stuck in limbo until you pay for the decryption key, magically locate backups, or a method for decrypting this strain of ransomware becomes available, if it ever becomes available.