I am a student so please don't be rude for I miss something and this project is for research purpose only.
I am willing to perform a denial of service attack(on my own servers) I am not willing to do the script kiddie method of downloading and running some online codes I have programmed my own servers and clients here is the client which sends buffers thereby overflowing the buffers
class BufferOverflow:
def overflow(self,host,port):
id = 0
while True:
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print("[*] NetWorker Report: Sockets have been created against the server")
except socket.error:
print("[*] Adim permission required or port in use")
buffer = "\x4e"*3000
print("[*] Connecting to %s on %d"%(host,port))
print("[*] Connection established")
exploit_packet = ("USV "+buffer+"//n//r//r").encode("UTF-8")
print("[*] Initializing...")
print("[*] Initialized!")
print("[*] Restarting...")
print("[*] Restarted!")
print("[*] Session ID: %d"%id)
This sends buffers to the server with the desired it, I have implemented my own sniffer which could resolve DNS to I.P so that I can get the I.P.
Here is the code to my own custom servers implementation, https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/144661/penetration-testing-in-an-unsuitable-environment
I used a basic TCP server from my code on code review on it to test,
In the screen shot the top left most is the server which displays the buffer like "NNN....3000*N" = > single buffer which is sent by the client, I used multiple clients to overblown the buffer. Finally I got success the top right most one which displayed this message,
Win 10061 error is nothing but the server has stopped or inactive. I know that the service is available for the present clients which I have created, so I have opened a new power shell along with the running clients and connected to the server but the server still responds , I don't know why?
Am I missing something or this is not actually the correct implementation of denial of service attack?
I am a student and I am willing to learn from you please do not be rude I have misunderstood some concepts and provided a wrong implementation