I want to use the CSRFGuard Project to protect a legacy Java webapp against CSRF attacks. The latest published Maven dependency version is 3.1.0, which is what I use.
This is part of the JavaScript code that is included on every protected page:
var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest : new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var csrfToken = {};
xhr.open("POST", "/JavaScriptServlet/", false);
xhr.setRequestHeader("FETCH-CSRF-TOKEN", "1");
var token_pair = xhr.responseText;
token_pair = token_pair.split(":");
var token_name = token_pair[0];
var token_value = token_pair[1];
It is a separate JS file generated by a dedicated servlet, with no-cache headers.
I do not understand why the token name and value are not directly embedded into the generated JavaScript, but instead fetched via a synchronous (!) AJAX call.
Are there any vulnerabilities if I change it to include the token directly?