Most of us save our cpanel passwords on the browser because we log in often. If someone stole the data of the browser they will have our website .

If they log in with the password from a different location, will they be allowed to control our website ? Can't we protect cpanel based on the location of the IP address?

Or is there any other way to secure cpanel?

2 Answers 2


There are many ways to secure cPanel and WHM. If you can control over the server you can enable to PINs under the security tab. If you have ConfigServer Security & Firewall installed you can limit the logins based on ip address, country or count. If you are a cPanel user, just don't save passwords in the browser. Use a password manager with a generated password for your cPanel account.


First of all, you should not save the password based on the browser. Secondly, you can enable two way authentication in cpanel. So that even if someone stole the password s/he still need to have to security PIN to enter. Lastly, you should use the password manager such as lastpass or keepass.

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