I go to a local coffee shop (part of a regional chain/franchise) fairly frequently. The last few weeks an "extra" guest network has been showing up on the list of available connections. For as long as it's been open there was only one...
The two APs are very closely named - "ShopGuestWifi" vs. "ShopWiFi-Guest", so it's not likely to be a neighboring store.
The physical building is quite small (the physical building was originally a gas station) and unlikely to require a second guest AP - and even then I'd expect a reasonably consistent name.
Some other points that may or may not help:
- Staff don't know which one I should be connecting to since there should only be one (and they're not the most technical).
- I have seen a few new regulars there at the same time this started up.
- I upgraded the tablet I've been bringing with me, so I don't have the old access point's name saved anywhere I can get to it.
- Teathering to my phone has become ... problematic. Sprint's service was never the best here, but lately I've been getting full bars on LTE with a peak speed of 730 mbps. :(
Is there a way for me to figure out which one is the correct? I'd rather not connect to some joker's wifi pineapple.