Text books on database systems always refer to the two Mandatory Access Control models; Biba for the Integrity objective and Bell-LaPadula for the Secrecy or Confidentiality objective.
Text books tend to recommend that a combination of these methods be used to meet these security objectives of a DBS - but they often only touch the surface.
Marcin states that, the 'strong *-property', disallowing reading or writing from any other level but your own, is an idea introduced to battle the problem inherent to Biba-LaPadula: no state.
He also goes on to say that the Biba-LaPadulla is really only taught to security students as the first and simplest security model, it's really a toy, an educational construct.
So then, to what extent does the security methodology here apply to DBAs, how might they put it to practise, and just what is the consensus on handling Mandatory Access Control in a DBS?