I'm a computer science student looking to expand an already developed web application into using multi-tenant architecture. Considering I'm far from being a security expert, which precautions can I take to my application as secure as possible? Here's how I've been thinking to do it, most of it based on this article from msdn: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479086.aspx
This is what I used to develop the software and as I exclusively use it's ORM, I should be well protected against SQL injections. Passwords are hashed and all forms are CSRF protected. I'm thinking of somehow prohibiting users from using weak passwords, ideas? Any other precautions I should take?
Database Layer
Shared Database, one Schema per Tenant
I've decided to go with this solution because this still grants me good security ("moderate degree of logical data isolation") and I don't have to change my code much. A tenant can be identified solely from the subdomain, for example tenant1.website.com. I can simply tell the database to use the schema tenant1. Here I don't know if I should create a database user for each of the tenants, the article calls this as: "a combination of the impersonation and trusted subsystem approaches". Basically it creates an user for each tenant that has permissions only on that schema. Does this make sense? Where would I store the password for each user?
Symmetric encryption for sensitive data
I actually don't store any super important info like credit cards numbers, but there are a couple of fields which would be nice if they were a bit safer. Tenants will be storing reports that should not be visible to their competitors. As these fields will be text-heavy (max 70000 chars) I was thinking of using symmetric encryption (AES-128) on these fields. Is it ok if all tenants share the same key? Can I store the key in the source code?
Wildcard SSL Certificate
As all tenants will be on the same "server" (cloud: amazon ec2), with each tenant in it's own subdomain, it should be ok to use wildcard certificates, right? I'm thinking RapidSSL as our budget is very lean (edit: at the beginning probably only one instance).
Is there any other thing I've been completely forgetting?
URLs allow XSS and aren't stopped by Django's auto-escaping.