What is it like working in military cyber security? What are the restrictions (in terms of software)? Would I be able to pick an OS? Can I use my own tools? Do I have to give the government any tools I write? Is AFROTC viable option with the direction of training I am headed, and if so, should I go enlisted first(as pseudo SMP)?
I'm primarily worried that my time spent in Linux systems would end up being useless in the military. I decided to ask here because I don't know if anyone who works in cyber security for the military. I will try contacting some of the ROTC/air Force reps after posting this. Some background- About a year ago, in my junior year, I gained an interested in starting a military career. It was also at this time that I was studying networking and started using Debian. After researching, I found that there were many careers available in the military ranging from networking, sysadmin, and pentesting. I was interested in trying out these skills by creating a lab, and I have ended up spending my senior year using it daily and enjoyed every moment. I am currently working on a couple of certifications: ICND1, RHCSA, OSCP. I completed a couple Microsoft certifications through FLVS early in the school year. I settled on starting in cyber security, and have practiced using tools from Kali, writing programs to automate tool usage, learning different concepts and practicing execution in Linux environments. Since I just finished highschool and still 17 untill August, I worry about what complications with my self taught training could happen when joining military cyber security. I'm hoping someone could relieve me with some clarity. Thank you!
P.S. I wasn't sure where to post this, is there a better place?