I'm doing some hacking exercices and I have to gain access to a site's database so I can delete all records.
The way of getting into the administrator panel is through a password (no username). I've tried some ways of getting in (SQLi, SSI, cookies) but didn't succeed. But, reading through some of the site's pages, I found something on the "news" talking about Google crawling some links it shouldn't and that they fixed it, so checking the robots.txt file gives me a /secret directory in which there is a php file called admin.php (the one that checks for correct password) and admin.bak.php. When opened the backup one, it returned:
error matching hash dc2240d8ee745db929a6944ae7a8d016
That hash is MD4 as I found a file on one of the server's hidden directories where they were trying to generate a MD4 hash.
I've tried:
findmyhash -h dc2240d8ee745db929a6944ae7a8d016
hashcat -m 900 -a 0 dc2240d8ee745db929a6944ae7a8d016
but none of them were able to crack it. How could I do this?