Do any of the major Linux distributions (Fedora, Debian, Arch, Ubuntu, etc.) provide timely security updates for the aarch64 architecture for kernel and other standard system components present in a default 'desktop' install (I'll define that as the 'most standard install' that will run a web browser)? Have any of the relevant security teams indicated any (informal) commitment to ongoing and timely updates?

I ask in the context of SBC (single board computers), in particular Raspberry Pi 3.

As an example of the possible shortcomings I have in mind, this post indicates that security updates in Raspbian back in 2013 were sometimes unavailable (and in fact I believe I read elsewhere from a Raspbian maintainer that their kernel updates in particular were not always as timely as for other system components, because of the modifications made by the Raspbian team).

  • 2
    this is more about updates than it is about security - you might get better engagement on the Pi StackExchange: raspberrypi.stackexchange.com
    – schroeder
    Jan 7, 2018 at 15:34
  • Thanks. However, I don't think the Raspberry Pi community is focused on security very much. I think it is also focused mostly on Raspbian. Jan 7, 2018 at 17:04


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