Say I have a server running some version of Linux and I give this server an IPv4 address of
Now using my network firewall I NAT this IP to some public IP address and I block all incoming traffic to that IP except ports 80 and 443.
Furthermore I have an iptables firewall on the server which also blocks all incoming connections except ports 80 and 443 and I run a web server on that machine. Additionally I allow connections from the local network to 22 and say 3306 (mysqld).
Now all of this is based on IPv4. However by default when I create a network interface the server will also give it an (to me frankly cryptic) IPv6 address.
My question is does the above now present a security risk? I.e. do I have a giant whole because IPv6 is running, has an address and is not at all filtered?
Since I don't see any reason to actually use IPv6 here my tendency would be to simply disable the protocol (and thus also relieve myself of the burden of having to do something about my ignorance thereof, at least for now...). But is this necessary? Discouraged?