BIS Guard's Java Antidecompiler is an application that you can purchase that claims:
Java Antidecompiler protects java byte-code against decompilers, any binary viewers/editors, prevents reverse engineering, and plagiarism of your software. It combines an obfuscation technique, java cryptography, and the original BIS Guard & Co. technology. The high protection level allows you to hard-code passwords, dates and other private data secure enough to protect your java applications from stealing. The new sonar algorithm prevents class loading interception, class dumping and all other existing to the moment hacker attacks. Code is completely encrypted and hidden both from hackers and from customers.
They vaguely explain how it works here, though, I tend to not be able to believe all that. Is it really possible to do all that? Also, is it possible to really "prevent class loading interception, class dumping and all other existing to the moment hacker attacks" The last thing is, this software is on a shoddy website and is barely found anywhere else on the web; is anyone able to vouch for its validity?