I want to generate wordlist with these rules: 8 characters, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, exactly two numbers. I've done a lot of google searching, and can't seem to understand how to do this. Can I get some directions on where to look or how to proceed?
1 Answer
crunch is a password generator that can do some of what you may be looking for.
crunch 8 8 -t ",@@@@@%%"
is a command that will generate a set of passwords that are exactly 8 characters long following the provided template:
, generates an upper case character
@ generates a lower case character
% generates a digit
You probably want to set various options to crunch to limit the output. For example, a small test of only four characters, like this: crunch 4 4 -t ",@%%"
generates 67600 words.
See man crunch
for more details.