Our site is ISO-27001 compliant. As part of the compliance we were advised not to use RDP to connect to the server, but rather to choose a cloud server which provides a web-interface.
Our current cloud server uses NoVNC.
What is the ISO-27001 compliant recommended way of connecting to Windows Servers on Amazon?
As Amazon itself is ISO-27001 compliant since 2010, https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2010/11/18/aws-achieves-iso-27001-certification/ then I imagine that either Amazon provides more secure RDP than regular cloud servers, or it could be that our advisor for ISO-27001 standards is too strict.
However an additional advantage of NoVNC (as opposed to RDP) is that we put Bitlocker on the hard-drives of the server, and so if the server restarts and is waiting for the Bitlocker password, then we can fix it via NoVNC. Furthermore, if remote desktop doesn't work for whatever reason then NoVNC can be useful. (Note, I appreciate that Bitlocker on Amazon Servers might not be so simple and Amazon have their own method of encrypting hard drives. https://serverfault.com/questions/569133/bitlocker-drive-encryption-on-aws-windows-instance?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa)
we were advised not to use RDP to connect to the server, but rather to choose a cloud server which provides a web-interface
who advised you to do this? The auditor or a consultant?