So I am on an engagement and grabbed some hashes but cracking them has come to no avail. I believe I know the hash type (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256) but I am not sure what round size they used. This got me thinking doesn't this make it impossible to crack or am I missing something. Because even if say you knew the plain text password and salt (obviously a very contrived scenario) you'd still need to try every round size until you found the one they used.
Is this thinking correct or am I missing something?
EDIT: This is important info looking back and I apologize for the confusions about the rounds being missing. The application returns hashes in two different parts of a JSON object. {...,"Password":"(Base64encoded(27 characters))","PasswordSalt":"(Base64encoded(24 characters))",...}. Which is why the hashes do not include a rounds identifier.
So PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 came from how they store passwords in a different part of the application and it was all I could find through OSINT. Looking at the password lengths and playing around with Python passlib it seems the passwords are stored as pbkdf2_sha1. I can make sure I'm right but looping through all the rounds and seeing if any come out to the password that I have. It will still take a while since, as the community has said, 100,000 rounds isn't unheard of and sadly they aren't using the default of 29,000.
EDIT EDIT: Just ran my known password against its hash through all rounds 1-100,000 and didn't get a hit. Seems my intuition about it being Sha1 were wrong. Trying SHA-256 now with the same approach.
EDIT EDIT: Well my hope is quickly depleting. I've tried SHA_1,256,and 512 all from 1 to 100,000 rounds and none of them match my hash. The hash lengths and values seem to match perfectly with the description but experiments are seeming to prove different.
I know this isn't really a programming forum but for completeness here is the code I was using to check my hash against all the generated ones.
import concurrent.futures
global quit
from passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha512
quit = False
def hasher(round, quit):
if(not quit):
hash = pbkdf2_sha512.using(salt=(passlib.utils.binary.ab64_decode('xpN14Zl95QQNOKffgsERSw==')), rounds=round).hash('Password').split('$')[-1]
if(hash[0:5] == '278Vu'):
print(round) #found it
quit = True
if(round % 5000 == 0):
print(round) #status update
exec = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
for i in range(1,100001):
exec.submit(hasher,i, quit)
EDIT EDIT EDIT: Seems the hash identifier tool here has labeled them as Peoplesoft passwords. I am not sure if this is a false positive because the application doesn't seem to use peoplesoft anywhere. Also It seems Peoplesoft hashes are not salted and mine returns a salt. There is one post on the matter here, but it is vague. Any help in this regard?