We have five internal web applications written in Java / AngularJs that are secured via Kerberos/ Spnego ( Spring Security implementation) . We are looking to transition these apps to AWS ( EBS) .

I am building a business case to convince the management why I should rewrite the auth. on these apps to use OAuth2/OpenId . Looks like Kerberos is supported via Amazon EMR.. or at the worst we just provision another EC2 with a domain controller. What are my considerations , pros and cons.

1 Answer 1



  • oauth works from computers not in your domain.


  • oauth works from computers not in your domain
  • extra development work
  • need to login to more than just the OS.
  • why is computers not in your domain a benefit ? Does SAML have the same benefits?
    – JavaHead
    Commented Aug 17, 2018 at 18:53
  • @JavaHead it just depends on your usage requirements. SAML is about the same as OAuth for this comparison. Commented Aug 18, 2018 at 0:39

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