Curious if any of you have an answer to this Metasploit question. It's an issue of a Metasploit session within another Metasploit session.
In this lab I'm doing, I need to compromise a machine ( and then use it to pivot to another machine ( I spark up Metasploit (instance #1) and get a Meterpreter session going on I use plink to setup a reverse ssh connection on port 21 to a ssh server on my Kali box. That gives me a new bash shell where I can now do things like nmap from my Kali VM to probe's FTP port. All good so far.
Now that I have the reverse ssh connection, I can access via localhost. I spark up a new instance of Metasploit (instance #2) and attack using exploit/freebsd/ftp/proftp_telnet_iac. I launch the attack and get a message about a port conflict followed by an exploit failed message. So I had to background Metasploit session #2 so I could determine the port conflict. I go back to Metasploit session #1 and sure enough port 4444 was being used when I compromised With that I went back into my Meterpreter session to get back to Metasploit session #2 (to compromise the and couldn't figure out how to get back to it. Running sessions -l only shows the Meterpreter session used to compromise
Anyone know how?
And yeah this is a little bit of Inception going on here. :)