Late last night I received a "password reset" email from [email protected].
It looked legit, but I had not requested a password reset. I checked my account's "recent account access" but saw nothing unusual there.
I did not click through and did not reset my password via any other channel. I just left it.
Early this morning I received another email, approx 3 hours after the first
Subject line: - Netflix - Unlock your account -
Email Info:
from: Secured Customer <[email protected]>
reply-to: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Email contents:
- Encrypted attachment –
This message contains 1 encrypted attachment.
This message can only be opened by <my-email>.
PDF password : 2121
Attached is one file named "Netflix - Unlock -.pdf" which is 112K long.
Is there anything I should be doing about this, apart from ignoring it? (Either for myself, or as a socially responsible "netizen")