My wife's machine could not load any Instagram content through JavaScript because of the following error:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
I tried getting it to work again, even went so far as to uninstalling Firefox, clearing any Mozilla related data and reinstalling it... same error (default settings, no plug-ins).
Then I noticed she had been logged out of the VPN service (just a commercial VPN service), so I logged her in without giving it much thought. Try Instagram again and... problem solved.
I tried to repeat the above on my own machine, same story:
- VPN service enabled -> everything works just fine.
- VPN service disabled -> CORS requests for Instagram fail.
My Question(s):
- Is there any common explanation for this behaviour?
- Could this point to a compromised router or strange ISP activity?
Background info:
- Our current router is a common DSL router/modem supplied by our ISP,
- Without the VPN, the connection is a plain and simple consumer setup, without any special configuration or routing.