If a website user wants to use WebAuthn, they will start by creating a credential, where their authentication device provides a public key.
This key is encoded, and sent back to the server to store against their account.
Later, when the user needs to be verified, the website provides a challenge, their authentication device signs it, and that's sent back to the server.
Assuming PEM encoding of the public key (originally sent to the server from a potentially hostile user), are there any risks with this?
- Is it possible to cause a Denial of Service?
- Could it cause OpenSSL/PHP/Apache to crash?
- Use up too much memory, or take a long time to process?
- Provide a key format that OpenSSL does not understand, or get confused by, and return an unexpected result?
Some example questions I'm unsure about:
- If it's an Elliptic Curve (e.g. prime256v1), could it include excessively large x/y values?
- Is there a problem if a DSA key was provided?
- Is there a problem with an RSA key using PKCS1v1.5 padding?
- While RSA is normally 2048-bits, what happens if it's a 65,536 bit key?
- What about invalid DER encoding (e.g. wrong field lengths)?
- How about an invalid DER Object Identifier?
- Could invalid base64 encoding of the PEM data cause issues for OpenSSL?
I know a normal user would not do any of these things, and I accept that anyone who does provide a flawed public key would be affecting their own account, but could it cause other problems?
This is a basic implementation in PHP:
// PEM encoded public key, from hostile user
$key = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- [...] -----END PUBLIC KEY-----';
// Other checks
$verify = base64_decode($response['authenticatorData']);
$verify .= hash('sha256', base64_decode($response['clientDataJSON']), true);
$signature = base64_decode($response['signature']);
if (openssl_verify($verify, $signature, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256) === 1) {
// Success
Note how openssl_verify()
takes 3 values that came from the user.
And I could use openssl_pkey_get_details()
to check the type, curve_name/oid, and x/y values.
In short, should the server be doing any additional checks on the public key?