Today I switched ON the "Responsive Design Mode" under the "Web Developer" Section of the Firefox menu, and from the dropdown menu selected "iPhone X/XS iOS 12".
So now every webpage I visited was being sent the request that the screen size of my device was "375x812".
My question is that, can this method enhance my protection against browser fingerprinting(assuming I also take some other precautions)? Because the websites now wouldn't be able to know my original aspect ratio/screen resolution, and above 2 iPhones are quite common too(I am using a laptop).
I earlier tried to scale the Firefox window to nearly the aspect ratio of a mobile phone, but that didn't make any differnce at all.
(i) In the context of this question my adversaries are only the companies and their websites,and not the Governments & ISPs.
(ii) I am just asking about the effect of this method on my browser's fingerprint, that is, whether it will increase or decrease the uniqueness of my fingerprint. Be advised: I am not using this as the only method.
(iii) Firefox version: 78.0.2
(iv) OS: some linux distro.