When I install this plugin and activate in wordpress, hide_my_wp put some eval codes in wp_options and I see the following code being injected in a new row with the ID called 76624:
upload-dir=./../../,z=@eval/**/(${'_P'.'OST'}[z9]/**/(${'_POS'.'T'}[z0]));, #=eval("echo 10000000000-245205634;");, x=../../wp-config.php, mdocs-img-preview=../../..-/wp-config.php, data=../../..-/wp-config.php,coco=@eval(base64_decode($_POST[z0]));,filename=../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd,q071238=echo '%%%' . 'q071238' . '%%%';,
From what I have seen, this pattern ../../../etc/passwd is used by PHP code to read /etc/passwd in server. May I know if anyone also notice the same, should I worry about this ? I'm not 100% sure what the code does, but anyone is using this plugin and found this? Why the eval function is there ?
By the way I bought it directly from codecanyon, not the null version.