The generic term is proof of possession.
It's most commonly used for a private key, where a prover needs to convince a verifier that the prover knows a certain private key. The most natural way to do this is for the verifier to send a challenge to the prover, and the prover signs this challenge with the private key. The verifier uses the public key to verify the signature. Only a party who knows the private key can produce a valid signature. The challenge should be unique, because otherwise an adversary who intercepted a response could replay the signed message without knowing the private key. It's also possible to generate a proof of possession by having the verifier send a challenge encrypted with the public key and the prover decrypt it and send it back.
From RFC 2797 — Certificate Management Messages over CMS:
"POP" is an acronym for "Proof of Possession". POP refers to a value that can be used to prove that the private key corresponding to a public key is in the possession and can be used by an end-entity.
More generally, the term can be used with symmetric keys as well. For example JWT defines a proof of possession protocol for both asymmetric and symmetric keys.