I have recently been reading about scenarios where browser might block automatic redirects. One scenario that i came across is what chrome calls as "tab-under". When the user clicks on a link to open in a new tab, the original tab redirects to an advertisement. To block this, chrome shows a redirect blocked banner.
I understand why chrome would want to do this, but i don't understand the reason why sites would want to implement this behaviour specifically?
can the site not auto redirect the main page to the advertisement in some time without the need for user clicking on the link or opening the new tab? . It is their website, I don't think the browser would block this redirection or this change in window.location.
can the site not open the advertisement in the new tab automatically? - I assume the popup blocker would block if they opened a new window automatically
can the site not open the advertisement in the new tab instead of opening the content in the new tab and opening the advertisement in the main page? This would give the advertisement a better chance of being seen