At the AWS officially recommends to have this policy
"Sid": "BlockMostAccessUnlessSignedInWithMFA",
"Effect": "Deny",
"NotAction": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"Bool": {
"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": "false"
which presumably is supposed to enforce MFA requirement for the account.
But to me having "iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice"
makes it not very useful.
2FA to me is a second measure to protect authentication flow: you must know not only a password, but also a 2FA device.
Now with this policy - it allows to remove a virtual mfa as long as you have a valid access token.
And "iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice"
cannot be removed from there: if one removes it - then the aws console mfa setup page is broken (it says the MFA already exists, even if it wasn't set up yet).
Am I missing something or is it a security theatre happening here?